Hey friends,....
Is it possible to replace some components (that were in the past instances of a generic)with normal parts (instances were saved with save as... to get rid of the family table) automaticly ?
The operations that I've did to get rid of the instances was:
1. Open the 'generic'
2. Open all the 'instances'
3. In the generic: Delete the family table
4. Save all the 'instances' again. (I've not changed the objectname)
5. Save the 'generic'. Off course it isn't a 'generic' anymore.... just a 'normal' part.
Iwill now have stand-alone parts.
When I now open an assembly (which used in the pastsome 'instances' of that family table) the assembly goes in resolve mode. He want each time an instance ?!?!?
I've allready placed the new (standalone) parts, that I created, in the working directory, no succes...
I've done it in the past with Intralink, no problem,but now when I work with ProE in a 'classic' working directory on Windows,it won't work ?!?!?
Did I something wrong ?
Any ideas ?
I'm using ProE2001, no Pro/Intralink, just standalone on a(working)directory with in my config.pro some search_paths to find some 'library' parts !!!
Edited by: FDdesign
Is it possible to replace some components (that were in the past instances of a generic)with normal parts (instances were saved with save as... to get rid of the family table) automaticly ?
The operations that I've did to get rid of the instances was:
1. Open the 'generic'
2. Open all the 'instances'
3. In the generic: Delete the family table
4. Save all the 'instances' again. (I've not changed the objectname)
5. Save the 'generic'. Off course it isn't a 'generic' anymore.... just a 'normal' part.
Iwill now have stand-alone parts.
When I now open an assembly (which used in the pastsome 'instances' of that family table) the assembly goes in resolve mode. He want each time an instance ?!?!?
I've allready placed the new (standalone) parts, that I created, in the working directory, no succes...
I've done it in the past with Intralink, no problem,but now when I work with ProE in a 'classic' working directory on Windows,it won't work ?!?!?
Did I something wrong ?
Any ideas ?
I'm using ProE2001, no Pro/Intralink, just standalone on a(working)directory with in my config.pro some search_paths to find some 'library' parts !!!
Edited by: FDdesign