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REPOST Inerfile dimension linking


New member
Hi All,

Just wonderring if there is a way to link dinemsions of a part/ assembly with dinemsions on a different part/file?

i.e. D1 @Sketch 1 in file 1 = D1 @Sketch 1 in file 2

hope this explains it ok. if not let me know and i'll try again

thanks in advance

previous post:

[url] TID=1394&KW=njsavage[/url]

the block solutin is not applicable for the appliaction i am developing. Does anyone know anymore of hte relations piece?

I'm tying to use a design table to do this. would this be a good approach??

although my Insert> Design table function seems to be greyd out. any ideas?

Make an assembly with the parts you need, then, in this assembly, use EQUATIONS.

You must open this assembly when you wish to modify a part and update the other one.

Good luck !
Managed to do this as you suggested.

Opened the assembly and edited the dimension within the part i wanted (without actually opening the part). making sure all dimensions are shown and not hidden, i used the drop down menu on the dimension editing to create an equation. I could then simply click the dimensions i wanted in the equation regardless of the part.

cheers for the help. much appreciated

