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Requests for off forum communications


New member
Is it unreasonable to ask that requests like; "Send me your email address and I'll send you ...", "Please send me one, too." be restricted to PM's? It is annoying to drill down to a topic only to see these posts.
Ya that is a pain.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

How about stupid replies?

Or when someone don

Case in point ...

Is "Sheetmetal TC Chair" a position on this forum's organizing body?

Why were materials not posted on the forum for the benefit of all? Copyrighted material? Restricting this kind of activity to PMs will avoid potentially embarrassing questions being asked.

My only beef is being suckered into paging thru index pages just to see another "me too" post.
Jeff you are right about that.
But lets go to the bottom of this kind problems. I think that the main problem is that people doesn't know how to use forum entirely.
There are 2 reasons for this:
1. people doesn't read forum rules
2. people doesn't understand rules (because of non English language)

Do you think that someone from country that doesn't use English knows what PM means? And even if you said to him to PM you he doesn't know what thats mean.
There are a lot of English acronyms that people from non English country's doesn't know what they mean.

So maybe if forum rules would be translated to other languages there might be improvements.
Isair said:
So maybe if forum rules would be translated to other languages there might be improvements.

Good point. People don't seem to have much trouble understanding "no advertising", though.

I think it's more a matter of forum policy, or lack thereof, and, personally, I don't see much difference between "give me your email and I'll send ..." and advertising.

Maybe there's something I'm missing with regard to motivation.
Translating to other language could be done in a way that MVP, VIP members translate to their language forum rules. This way we will have a large number of translated forum rules to different languages. Any other member who feels that he/she can translate rules to their language is welcome to submit translated rules.
This way users couldn't say I don't understand rules, and they could be punished for not obeying them.
Edited by: Isair
I guess I should apologize then for my posting (sending me email and I will send). The information has nothing to do with copyright or confidentiality...I guess it was mostly ignorance on my part, and I did not think about posting it here are all to get...but I will do that now (I will try too).
I agree with "All the Above" ...

But, the General Rules ... do not specifically state limited use of request of files through Post Message(PM).

Most professionals know to keep any request to a PM and could argue that #2 and #7 could abstractly apply to the above.

[url] 362&PN=1[/url]

(I could not quote General Rules into this post so here they are copied from avove link, I hope I'm not in any violation here!)

General Rules

Let's follow a few rules while posting messages in the forums:

1. No profanity whatsoever.

2. Remember, we're professionals.

3. No advertising. It is ok to mention a company or website in the context of the original thread. Random or out of place advertising or promotion is not appropriate.

4. No flaming, period. Suggestions, differences of opinion, and humor are always welcome and appreciated, but flaming should not be tolerated.

1. n. A hostile, often unprovoked, message directed at a participant of an internet discussion forum. The content of the message typically disparages the intelligence, sanity, behavior, knowledge, character, or ancestry of the recipient. 2. v. The act of sending a hostile message on the internet. 3. adj. Having the character of a flame, as in, flame war. [/list]

5. Do not double post.

6. Post messages in their proper place.

7. Please keep the topics related to Pro/E.

8. Any reference to any cracked software is prohibited.

Thank you, and enjoy!

I suggest that the (as Isair stated) "MVP and VIP" members consult the Admin to clarify that "Any posts to any thread should only contain information relating to the original post" and also state that any requests made, done so through PM.

Ending on a humorous(or more like aggravating)note ... Send me all you got too [email protected]
ncprog said:
Ending on a humorous ...

Humor is appreciated, too.

I don't intend a "rant" tone. This is simply a personal gripe and suggestion that, in my mind, will contribute to the quality of archived information. If the forum powers that be decide to act on it; cool. If not; so be it.

You have a very validated gripe and agree with you 100% Jeff. I do not like going to a topic of intrest, only to find 10 pages of send that to me ... send me one too ... I'd like to also have one ... etc.

I added humor only to validate what the rules state(#4 in this case on Humor). I have even lead some topics away from original topic in the case where I add Horizontal Modeling to a Topic about the diference of Top Down vs. Bottom Up. I've even been guilty of asking for a model.(I think it was CPiotrowski's Mustang)

I would love to see a simple rule added like ...

9. Requests for Models or Information need to be done throughPM.
> lead some topics away from original
> topic in the case where I add Horizontal
> Modeling to a Topic about the diference
> of Top Down vs. Bottom Up

Nuthin wrong with that.
It was pertinent to the discussion (and I'm kinda fond
of going off on tangents myself, anyway).

