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rerouting or replacing references


New member
I have created a 3D curve by intersecting two orthogonal curves in the model shown below. PNT1 is located on this intersection curve. However, I would like to get rid of the intersection now and have all the things that were referenced to it (the rest of tree is suppressed) reference toSketch6(one of the two curves that was in the intersection) instead.

I have tried right clicking on PNT1 in model tree, selecting reroute feature, and then replacing the Intersection curve with Sketch6. And it says feature rerouted successfully, but in actuality it does nothing -- when I look at the references of PNT1 it is still defined as being on the Intersection curve rather than Sketch6.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Ideally, I'd be able to simply delete the Intersection and then reroute all its children to Sketch6 in one fell swoop. However, as you can see, I'm not even able to reroute the very first child.

I must be doing something very simple incorrectly

View attachment 4252
Edited by: 2ms1
Try an intermediate step.

Copy and paste sketch 6 to create another curve. Reroute the point to the new curve. If that works, delete the new curve. When the model crashes, reroute the point to sketch 6.
When I do the reroute it asks me for two replacements references -- a plane or face to replace the originals 'Front'. I click Front again and then it asks me for a curve to replace Intersect 1 -- this is where the problem is -- when I click on Sketch 6 in the model tree, nothing happens. If I select Done and then look at PNT 1's refs they are still Front and on Intersect 1.

Why won't it let me select Sketch 6? Whenever I click on it Pro/E just ignores me and acts like nothing happened. No error msg or anything, it just doens't change references.
Try supressing Intersect 1. When Pro asks what to do with the children, click Options. From here you can tell pro to "suspend" the point by changing the drop down from suppress to suspend.

Whe Pro tries to regenerate the point you can reroute or redefine to Sketch 6. Since Intersect 1 is suppressed, it just might work.
It's doing the same thing. It just acts as if it doesn't register that I ever selected an alternate curve. It prompts me for replacement plane and I select Front, it registers that, then it prompts me for new curve and I select Sketch6 (tried both the original and a copy of it), but Sketch6 just gets highlighted and turns red but doesn't actiually replace Intersect.
Many times Redefine is much easier than Reroute although it really shouldn't be. PTC has not done much to improve this functionality and still gives you annoying error messages and tries to prevent you from rerouting features in Groups.

The problem you are running into is the feature you want to Reroute references an intersection curve and not a plain sketched curve. So it restricts selection of placement references to the same type of feature and not a sketch.

If you redefine your point you can select the sketch as your reference and be all set.
There are two reroute options.
Replace Ref and
Replace Feature.

With replace feature you can select the Intersection curve and then hopefully replace it with the Sketch. Then you get the option All children and Select Feat. With select Feat you can pick your point and have it reference the sketch feature instead.

A lot of times Pro/E will fail from things it shouldn't like Reference not updated for sketches. When this happens you can enter the sketch and select the non updated references and hit update and it regenerates flawlessly. Why Pro/E can't do this itself often perplexes me.

You will often notice that during reroute the selection toolbar often hides the selection of other types of references. If you create a point on an edge and reroute it you'll only be able to select edges and not curves also for curve chains it asks you to individually pick the curves and not the two curves used to originally select the curve chain.

They should really improve Reroute to be more like Copy-Paste Advanced configuration.

You might try creating a point before the intersect that references Sketch 6 and use Reroute or Edit References
Replace Feature
Pick point PNT1 feature and select PNT2 as it's replacement.


Edited by: mjcole_ptc
I'm not sure if I've interpreted your suggestions correctly..

I tried simply redefining PNT1 and deleting Intersection from the references and then adding Sketch6 in its place, but it wouldn't let me add Sketch6 -- the ol' acting like I didn't click on Sketch6 at all. So that doesn't work.

I'm not sure in what context you mean when mentioning the to reroute options. I don't know of any other way of initiating rerouting other than by deleting or suppressing Intersection, but that didn't work.

I think you are talking about doing "replace feature" in some other context. Am I right? Please tell me what you mean exactly.
If you are selecting the curve in the model tree it wont work. In my opinion this is a bug. I once filed a bug where I deleted a feature from selecting it on screen but it still appeared in the Model tree when I tried to delete it from the model tree Pro/E crashed because the feature had already been deleted.

You must either select the Replacement reference On Screen or from the Layer Tree.
It makes no sense that you can select from the layer tree and not the model tree but If you don't want to pick from screen select the sketch reference on the Layer Tree and you should have no problems.

I don't know what I'd do without this forum. What I ended updoing was deleting Intersection and then replacing it in the references of about 200 features. Had to right click and pick from list to get to the curve. Would've never known because I have never used layers and thought layer tree same as selecting on screen.

Iknow there's gotta be a way of creating a feature and then substituting it globally for another one without this extreme tedium, I just don't know what it is. But problem fixed* and I'm a happy man!

*except, of course, a couple new mysterious failures to regenerate because of "constraint conflicts", but Idig into those later after a recovery period here
You've hit the nail on the head whereas Pro/E has missed it by a few football fields. It used to be you'd click Feature > Reroute and you were up and rerouting. Now that the option is grayed out on the edit menu you have to either activate the old menu manager or use Fix model Reroute to get at the option.

Right after Pro/E Prompt you if you want to rollback the model which is out of order, It should allow you to choose Reroute Feat or Replace ref prior to the annoying prompt. To use replace ref just click through the stupid prompt to select not to rollback the model then while it's prompting you for references click the other option Replace Ref.
Use the link below to access my web album or open the pictures directly with the other links. If you open the link below in a separate window you can click through while reading the instructions.

Picture 1-6 Album link
<a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank">
</a>Picture 1
Edit References you can select any feature for this because it's just a way to access the Replace Ref option. Answer question Do you want to roll back the model? with a No by clicking the middle button to accept the default opton.

<a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank">
Picture 2</a>
Choose Replace Ref from the menu manager and ignore the reroute feat menu. Clicking Replace Ref will exit out of the reference selection you are prompted for by Reroute.
You will now get two options on the SELECT TYPE menu. Pick one if it doesn't work or gives you an error like cannot reroute references then try the other option.

<a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank">
Picture 3</a>
Select the curve you want to replace make sure it selects the entire feature not a single entity use the Layer Tree to select if you have any problems with selection.

<a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank">
Picture 4</a>
Select the sketch as the replacement reference my sketch 2 is used as the equivalent to your sketch 6. Again make sure the entire curve is selected.

<a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank">
Picture 5</a>
Select All Children to replace all references to the Intersect curve with the sketch feature which will simplify the amount of work you need to do in resolving references. If this fails then try the other option for SELECT TYPE.

Picture 6
Note that by using Replace Ref both the point and datum which referenced the intersect curve now reference the sketch feature instead. This saves time by allowing you to Replace Ref instead of rerouting every single feature to reference the Sketch separately.


Edited by: mjcole_ptc
mjcole_ptc said:
If you are selecting the curve in the model tree it wont work. In my opinion this is a bug. I once filed a bug where I deleted a feature from selecting it on screen but it still appeared in the Model tree when I tried to delete it from the model tree Pro/E crashed because the feature had already been deleted.

You must either select the Replacement reference On Screen or from the Layer Tree.
It makes no sense that you can select from the layer tree and not the model tree but If you don't want to pick from screen select the sketch reference on the Layer Tree and you should have no problems.


To start off, I'll admit that I haven't read the entire thread here, but I wanted to clear up why this is.

When you pick in the model tree, you're picking the entire feature. When you pick on screen, many times, you are picking a feature entity. There is a difference and when using reroute, you need to understand what you are rerouting. You cannot re-route an entity or chain of entities to a feature and visa-versa.

Clicking on a sketch in the tree selects that sketch as a whole, no matter how many entities it has. For example, a rectangle has 4 entities, a single line has one. If a sketch changes from a line to a rectangle, the child feature will attempt to adapt to that change and use all the entities.

Sometimes, it appears that you are selecting a feature, but what is really happening is Pro|E is selecting the chain of entities. Pro|E just makes it simple to select that chain by allowing you to select the feature. That's where things get confusing, as Pro|E doesn't allow that same selection methodology in re-route as it does during feature creation. It should, but there are many, many things that Pro|E should do.

