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rescaling causing various problems


New member
I've been making all the parts for this tiny thing I'm making at 100x scale. I
thought that I would simply be able to rescale them and all would be fine.
It's been nice not having to enter decimals and bunch of zeros every time
dimension something in my parts. However, now I find out that when I
rescale back a lot of things like rounds and sometimes trajectories for
things like cuts, sweeps, etc go haywire.

Anyone have any advice on how to avoid these kinds of issues in the future
(if possible)? Can anyone tell me why rescale would cause anything to break
anyway? I don't understand why the scale should affect anything.

Edited by: 2ms1
Not sure if this will help but rather than trying the rescale, did you try the transform feature under warp? I'm not sure if it will work any better but it's worth a go. There was a post recently about scaling and it not appearing on the feature tree and to get round this, using the transform feature allows scaling but does appear in the tree, Try it and see if it works.
If possible, export to another format (e.g. igs etc) and then try rescaling. But this can only be possible if you don't need to modify the features afterscaling.
It is probably an accuracy problem. Also, some of your dimensions may be going to zero if they are set to too few decimal places. You can also accomplish size change with setup/units, beware of any parameters & constants in relations too.

It seems like a really bizarre modeling practice to me.
I only know WF2, but can't you change the unit system instead of actually scaling?
I use it e.g. to 'convert' geometry between inches and mm. Sometimes when I open external data is the wrong size by a factor 2.54 (or a multiply of 10). changing the unit system will make it right without recalculating the part.

Scaling = multiplying all dimensions by a factor
unit change = simply assigning a different real world value to a 'unit' in 3D

This might help you prevent the errors when scaling. The reason scaling gives problems, ist that all geometry is being recalculated with the same accuracy for the algorithms as before, but with scaled values (either larger or smaller). So this affects the rounding of -everything- proe calulates for your part.

Also not that in general your accuracy must be at least 10 times the required accuracy of the geometry to prevent rounding from creating geometry with wrong dimensions! E.g. if geometry must be 0.01 mm accurate, use 0.001 accuracy (or smaller) for proe.

Sorry I don't know an easy way to explain this, hope it helps anyway ...

I hink you have explained well enough

I was also thinking how to explain him when i read the problem

Check out for the accuracy in tools options

as your model is 100 times. you add two more dicimal paces for the accuracy

