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tran tuan

New member
Does anyoneknow how touseInsert->Restylethis function? I want to learn that and I need tutorial on this topic.Thanks
Hitran tuan .. I know about RESTYLE function in Wildfire only minimum, but one thing what I can say at 100% is> Restyle is designated to create very complex and undeterminedgeometry ofparts. For example: Many companies are working in PROE>RESTYLE by using thelaserscans.The optoelectronical, laser sensors are scanning some very complex models (human bones, propellers...) and transported it to the RESTYLE like surfaced model.After scanningyou can create some polygonial mesh on the surface of model by Automatic Surfacing . Than you can create complex surface for better specification and modificationof whole part. It was very simple example of ablities the Restyle function, but of course that you can create and modify many things around the surfaces and curves (connections of curves and surfaces, deformations through the spline curve...)

You can find some informations around the Restyleover here>

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