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Revision 0


New member
I am new at this company; when I got here I realised that Intralink 3.4 is not configured almost at all. One of the issues I've got is the fact that even if the company uses revision 0, the revision file started at revision 1 and now all the files are at rev 1 or higher. I tried on a few files to change to rev 0 but is painfully (deleting the files and cheching them in again). Any suggestions?

Another problem: trying to set access authorizations for Intralink: I'd like the designer role to be able to check-in/out, change the revision up but not be able to over-write the revision that has been set to "production". As it is right now, everybody can over-write anything.


You need to set up the roles table in Pro/I admin mode to allow that. It is possible, because I have set it up.

I don't think you can get existing parts to use rev 0 without a lot of work. You should be able to get new parts to satrt at rev 0.
We have roles set up already, but the designer role is able to check-in (over-write)a part even if it is set to "production" in Commonspace, without modifing the revision. What should I "un-check" on the designer role to avoid that?
It isn't the roles. Under the folders, there is a setting for which role has permission to do waht to the files. You need a role that allows opening of parts, but not changing them. This role goes under the 'Production' status column.

