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revolved protrusions


New member
My book does not explain very well what im supposed to do so i have no clue what im doing. I cant believe i paid 500$ for this class. grrr.

here is what step 3 says:

3. revolved features are usually specified using diameters rather than radii. to dimension a dimeter of a revolved feature, left click on the sketched line/vertex, then on the centerline , again on the same line/vertex. middle click to place the dimension.

here is the figure from the book that i have to follow. i have the shape drawn, now i just need to dimension it. The video shows the same thing with the lines and the numbers on the left of the centerline!

View attachment 4803

see the 4, 6and the 2 on the left side of the center line? the 6 is at the bottom. i cant seem to figure out how to place those. I add my center line and then click on the vertex i want and then the centerline and then the vertex and middle click just like step 3 says to, and all it does is switch between lines like i was just selecting them. doesnt allow me to dimension it or anything.


Im getting really tired of this. the video, all he says is " now we will skip ahead to the verified revolve feature" he doesnt show you how to dimension it.

Edited by: LT72884
Here's a quick demo on how to dimension the diameter in a revolve.
What you can't tell in the video is what button I'm clicking.

Basically it's: Left Click (line) - Left Click (center line) - Left Click (original line) - Middle Click
<a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank">

Edited by: jsantangelo
jsantangelo said:
Here's a quick demo on how to dimension the diameter in a revolve.
What you can't tell in the video is what button I'm clicking.

Basically it's: Left Click (line) - Left Click (center line) - Left Click (original line) - Middle Click
<a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank">
Thats awesome. Yeah the video nor the book says to click that button. I dont even know what button that is. anyway. i did it another way. Basically, i divided the dimensions in half so when it spun around the axes(centerline) it became the 4.

Also, what software are you using to record your desktop and convert it to flash?

thanx so much for that awesome vid
LT72884 said:
Also, what software are you using to record your desktop and convert it to flash?

thanx so much for that awesome vid

Another tip is to mirror the line you want to dimension as a diameter and then convert it to a construction line. Then you can dimension the original and mirrored line as a diameter. This works really well for dimensioning the full angle on a revolve. This function used to be present in earlier Pro/e versions like dimensioning a diameter above but they removed it for some reason.

View attachment 4807
I use JING to do my mini tutorial videos. Free and and easy. Once I'm down capturing I can also just hit a FTP upload button to upload it to my website. The only drawback to the free is you can only capture up to 5 minutes per video. But then again you can just make a multi-part movie.


Edited by: jsantangelo
Not sure what you mean by the function was removed since I haven't used earlier versions. Starting in WF4 they added the config option sketcher_dim_of_revolve_axis that creates diameter dimensions by default when a centerline is specified as the axis of revolution.
kdem said:
Not sure what you mean by the function was removed since I haven't used earlier versions. Starting in WF4 they added the config option sketcher_dim_of_revolve_axis that creates diameter dimensions by default when a centerline is specified as the axis of revolution.

I was referring to dimensioning the angle and not the diameter/radius.
Hi James,
You can create total included angles in WF 5 the same way that you create diameter dimensions (LMB entity > LMB centerline > LMB entity > MMB).

In addition, you can convert a total included angle to a centerline angle (and vice versa) by RMB'ing on the dimension, then selecting the type to convert to. This is also true of radial, diameter, and linear dimensions. Easier than having to remember the entity, centerline, entity pick sequence.

dbreda said:
Hi James,
You can create total included angles in WF 5 the same way that you create diameter dimensions (LMB entity > LMB centerline > LMB entity > MMB).

In addition, you can convert a total included angle to a centerline angle (and vice versa) by RMB'ing on the dimension, then selecting the type to convert to. This is also true of radial, diameter, and linear dimensions. Easier than having to remember the entity, centerline, entity pick sequence.


Thanks Don. We are using WF4 and won't be moving to WF5 for a long time.

