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Revolved Sphere


New member
Hi People,

I have been using Pro/E wild Fire for the last one year, & I went for an interview where i was asked if i could create a solid sphere using a rotate sketch option.

When i tried it by Sketching a semi circle & rotating it 360 degrees it shows some error.

Can some body tell me why it happenned & what are the other methods to create a Solid sphere.


if by rotate sketch option you mean the revolve tool then yes you can create a solidsphere. You can either make your sketch a closed sketch by putting a veritcal line down the center to make a solid revolve or you can make a surface revolve and then solildify that surface.
You have to use the revolve tool, Sketch a semi circle and close it with a line, sketch a centre line coincident to the closed line, and revolve it to 360 degrees, you ll get a solid sphere.
This might be a very stupid question, but i have to ask; Did you gave it an axis of rotation? Sometimes I forgewt to do it.
I am extremly sorry guys, but please try it yourself, to understand what i mean.

try drawing a sphere by first drawing a closed semi circle with an axis. then revolve it 360 degrees. solid.

u will get an error message (i used pro/e wildfire II).

I tried all the above listed options.

Best of luck


giridhar raju N M
Sorry, but it worksperfect for me on WF2, M120. Trylargerand smaller sizes and other shapes to identify the problem. Perhaps you could tell us your error message?
hey giridhar.......

I think your problem is with the axis............just try cliking on the axis followed by right click of the mouse & then click on the "axis of rotation" option.

Other than that I don;t think there shouldbe any problem.
maybe stupid but ... - are You sure Your sketch contain only half of sphere?

because with full circle i won`t work

Extremely sorry people for wasting your time,

i tried it again & got it, it works now.

Hope u all wont remember this incident for too long.

Thanks for ur patience people.

