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Rolling a plate into an arc


New member
I've tried to make a toroidal bend... self destructs.

I've tried Bend Solid... got lost!

Here's what I'm trying to do, maybe someone can help me. I'm making a plate cam, taking a plate with a profile cut into one side for a block to ride on.

I've got the long rectangular plate modeled. Now I need to roll it into an arc.


This is where I get lost. Any and ALL suggestions welcomed!!!


Why dont you try creating it using simple extrude(thicken sketch).ifthere is no option to use extrude then toroidal bend is the solution.maybe you are not making the right selection that is why you are facing problem in toroidal bend.
send us the curve profile we will send you the mpeg on how you can do it.


Deepak Bhat
Hi deepakbhat_nie, and Schick

I also have the same question: bending several parallel flat plates into arc (curved) plates (attached WF2 zip file).

Could you give some instructions on which is the best method?

have a planar model (several FLAT layers) that I want to bend into an Curved-SURFACE
(as if the layers are wrapped around the curved wall of a cylinder).

The final bended model should keep the same EXACT
dimensions as when it was flat (the Separation between the layers should be the
same, and the Length of the model's little details should also be the same).

Could you please give me the step-by-step on how to do the
bend so I could do it myself afterwards as I will need to change the radius and
the imported model (.SAT) itself several times.

I've tried many things, but when WF2 says "Select reference plane or coordinate system" what should I click to select the coordinate system?<br style="">

Thank you so much.

I wound up using a wrap of a sketch and used that as the trajectory for a sweep. It was a little cumbersome because I had to actually comput arc lengths to locate a couple of checkpoints.

But... it worked. Hope that helps.

i think you mean that you want to make a cylindrical cam

View attachment 2777

I am working on a similar component, does anyone have a simple model they can post. I am not looking to take your design and use it for my oum purposes, it would be used purely to gain the knoweldge of how best to create such an item.
It's not easy for me to do this simple bending (bending several planar sheet into an arc-surface all at the same time).

I've spent several days now with WF2 but still don't know how to do the bend with a radius of 150mm.
Hey Schick, if you had a sketch of what you are trying to do it might be a little easier to help you. It sounds similar to an issue I had before.



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