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Rotational pattern


New member
Somebody pl tell me how to make rotational pattern of the feature shown in the fig.

View attachment 1780

Looking at it pl don't laugh b'cos i'm not being able to do it .

The main proble is there is not a single 'circular reference dimension' available which I can select as the 'driving dimension' for rotational pattern.

Pl provide step by step procedure ( I know it's related to "making datum on fly" but pl give in details)

Also attached part file. Make use of it if possible.

Wildfire 1.

Or isn't there any std way of doing it in all versions?

I'm delighted that you've made it. Tell me how u did it Jeff.

ok this is the way u do it just go to edit-feature operations and select the feature copy over there in tht select move and it will ask for translation or rotation select rotation and select the object u want to pattern then after saying done select the crv/axis option and select the axis in the center of the model and then it would ask for the degree enter the degree u want then the copy will be created ok then in the next step select the option pattern and select thepart u have created using copy optionthere will be numerous dimension present on the screen select the degree dimension and then enter the no of objects u want to create

Iam sorry could not make u understand with pics as iam in the cyber cafe i will let u know with the pics later i hope this helps u out ok
When creating rotational pattern, you always have to define reference that will be rotational. In your case, you could define the angular datum plane first, than create a feature you want to pattern and relate it (as a sketch reference) to the angular datum plane. To create pattern, you could select the datum plane, pattern it and then pattern the feature with reference pattern.

The other option is to define an angle in the feature, that will be patterned. In your case, you could define angle 0
Hi Wasim, That's the pretty wise alternative for making pattern. Thanks for the guidance,but later it becomes difficult for modification. Also we cannot enter theNo. of instances directly & the copy feature gets added unncecssarily.

Hi Skraba, yes i'm trying to create a rotational reference as a driving dimension for pattern.

About Creating Datum plane: Exactly When Do I have to create the datum plane?

1)If I create it before starting to create the feature, the option REFERENCE doesn't activate while making the pattern.

2)Now we have 3 chances to create a datum plane. 1st, when it asks us to select a sketching plane. 2nd, When it asks us to select references for the sketch & 3rd, when we are finally in the sketeher mode. i tried all the 3 but couldn't make it. ( the pattern is seencreated in the model tree but not in the graphics area. All the instances lie at the same place)

Also if you see the sketch of the feature, (Please see illustration by Jeff above),tell me which point or line of the sketch Do I dimensionally relate to the datum plane created on the fly? ( How do I create angular dimension between a point & an inclined Line?)

Also I didn't understand your another option of defining an angle in the feature (0 degree wrt datum Plane).

Please explain me in more details. Preferably step by step. ( illustrations may be skipped )

reply soon!

Maybe I can help using skwasim_smile's method.

After the copy and pattern steps of skasim_smile, delete the original, and change your pattern quantity in the copied entity to the number you need total. This will give you just the pattern, not more features asskraba points out.

I still think the method described by urfriend is the intended, and therefore, preferred functionality.

Angular patterns before WF2 (in WF2 you have axis pattern):

While creating feature you wish to pattern around axis, on fly (press extrude, then pres create new datum plane) you create one datum plane referencing it to axis of rotation and another datum plane for angular dimension (if you feature must be like in picture set angel to 0).
After creating plane, continue with creating feature, but important thing is that you associate references of feature to plane you have created on fly.
Another important thing is that all your dimension must be rotational (this part concern to position dimensions).
After finishing you feature you will have group in model tree with datum plane and feature you created.

Now you can create dimensional angel pattern using angular dimension of plane to pattern.

I was always having problem with angular patterns before until I started using WF2.

I have newer use method that skwasim described, maybe his method is more stable.

I think you are basically on the right tract but making a couple of mistakes. In WF2, when you make the reference datum it is grouped with the protrusion.

It is best to make one pattern of the GROUP, not the datum & then the protrusion, that way the angle dimension is available to pattern. The second thing is your dimensioning scheme can only reference the plane you created, the central axis or the round part. You CAN NOT dimension to your FRONT or RIGHT datums.

The easiest way to avoid illegal dimensions is to accept the default 45 degree rotation for datum 1 even though you eventually want this to be 0 or 90. That way you won't dimension to the wrong datum. You can always change the rotation angle of the lead feature back to 90 after you pattern it.

Trust me, I have done this a thousand times.
Dear dr_gallup,

Please see step 6 in my step by step explanation. (page 1 of this forum)

In the figure it can be seen easily I hadused the "axis" & the "datum plane created on the fly" for referencing the dimensions. ( & NOT the default standard datum planes RIGHT or FRONT )

Then as per your suggestion I tried to pattern the entire group instead of patterning the plane & feature individually. But the message was displayed."Feature regeneration failed. Pattern creation aborted."

WHY SO ???

The pattern can be seen successfully created by rcamp . ( using a datum curve)

Pl,Pl,Please...... tell me sequentially what exactly you've done. (figures may be skipped. only provide datum names correctly)

It would be very gr8ful!!
ur, that is very time-consuming.

Here are some things you need to check.

1. Make sure you don't have any Horizontal of Vertical constraint.

2.Eliminate the referenced arc where the lug joins the existing solid. This is causing problems. Just replace it with a straight line that is just inside of the OD.
rcamp, regarding your #2: That split circle has always caused patterning problems. I wonder why ProE doesn't build in the intelligence for patterns to follow the circleor replace it with a continuous circle???

How unfair guys !!!

1st, we cannot pattern it directly, we've to make datum on the fly.

2nd ->Do not reference it to the default datum plane but reference it wrt the datum created on the fly.

3rd -> Do not give any horizontal or vertical constraint.

then -> eliminate referenced arc. etc etc After following all these instructions I reached again at the same stage where I was in the begining. See figure below.

View attachment 1838

The command line shows pattern creation is successful. But only datum planehas got patterned & all the 3 features are lying at the same place!!

so i thought referencing is creating the problem,& tried to create a simple semi-circular feature & tried to pattern it . BUT the result is terrific!! see the figure below

View attachment 1839

This is certainly not what was expected!! (Even though angle between planes is 120 degree)

I'm dam frustrated , is pro/E so disappointing ? How all these things can be justified? (which are actually deviating the user from creating the intended part)

I Can see some of you have done this successfully.

Pl send me a copy which has been created in WF 1 (Because u thing explanation is time consuming !!) so that after downloading I can check references & all the things ( If you really want to help aneedy guy)

Those who joined later, don't know thatI had attached 1 rar file at the time of my 1st post (which i want to get patterned)

I want this particular solution only & NOT any other alternative.

In other softwares this simple pattern creates no problem at all. ( What an obstacle for pro/E !! )
ur, PTC would tell you -

This issue has been resolved in WF2 with Axis patterns. Please upgrade.

That's just the way software production is. It improves over time, and it costs money to stay current. I know, I pay it out of my own pocket for my license!

I know this is time consuming for you, but your getting paid for it, not me. Why do you refuse to use the datum curve option?
Edited by: rcamp
You have done it sucessfully for your simpler feature, the technique is exactly the same for the other feature. Just delete everything after your shell and start over. It is a trivial thing once you get the technique down. You don't need a new release, I could do what you want to do in release 2.

