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Round to Round Offset Transition

Texas Drafter

New member
I created a model for a transition going from a 19 7/8"od round to a 4 3/4" od round that is 24" long and the diameters are offset 7 9/16". I then created a flat pattern from that so we could cut and break it but the flat dimensions were pretty far off. am I not setting something right or not using the right process? I am running inventor 2014.
I don't have an answer, but I'm always amazed at how you guys can work in inches, all those fractions give me a headache just reading the post :D
hahaha. im the same way with metric system. technically metrics should be much simpler but my brain just cant handle it for some reason. haha.
It could be a whole lot more complicated. Think about what it would be like if there was a metric system of time - 10 metric hours in a day, 10 metric minutes in an hour, and so forth. Life is a whole lot easier than it might be.

