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Round to Square 90 degree transition.....


New member
So I was overa t my buddys house last night testing out how his laptop runs Pro/E. Using Wildfire2.0 at home, and Pro/E 2001 at the office. If possible I'd love to hear the results on how to make this work in 2001......Anyway back to the problem he presented me with.

He has a round hole that is verticle, and a square hole that is horizontal. How would one go about blending the two togethor? I'll attach a picture of the surface model that I started. I have a few ideas, but can't seem to get anything to work just right. This is an example of a round throttle body being blended into a square throttle carburator hole on an intake manifold......The pic of the surfaces is below with a curve to represent the path I would like the blend to take.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

[url] elp.jpg[/url]
You can try 'Swept Blend'. Use that curve as the trajectory for the sweep and Select the faces (or edges??) as blend sections.
You have to have the same number of elements in your blend sections so you have to draw the circle as 4 arc segments.
Tried the swept-blend, as well as the variable section sweep.....neither worked though......I currently have created 8 curves.....4 on the circle, and 4 through the corner of the "box" and the end of the arcs on the circle......I made those tangent to both edges (the arcs, and the lines of the box).....Then used a boundary surface to make the surfaces......I think there is a quicker easier way, but haven't found it it.

Thanks for the help so far fellas keep it coming.
I was able to make this at work with extending the circle and square out a little bit so it can transition to tangent surfaces. Then I used swept blend with a four point circle.
Yea the problem with the swept blend that I had was that it wasn't all tangent.......

The surfaces I have seem to be working pretty well right now, so I'm going to continue with those, and post up my results tonight probably (already spent a good deal of time on this at the office this morning.
Edited by: 2kwik4u
All surfaces are tangent and thickened. Made with swept blend. Total time: 5min.


Edited by: CPiotrowski
Hi all

I wonder why several posts that I received latelywere supposed to have pictures on them. All I see is a dead link(x). Does everyone else see the picture in the last post on this thread from cpiotriowski?

Sweetness....what happens if that radius is no longer a radius, and it has to go to some sort of trajectory.....I think that is where my SNAFU is occurring....Assume for instance on the drawing you have that it has to move 4" vertical, and only 2" horizontal, while remaining centered on one another.....does that still work with a swept blend?

As for the pictures sometimes appearing, and sometimes not.....It's a function of the service used to link them. doens't like hotlinks like that. Right click on the red "X", and the slect properties. Copy the image location, and then open a new browser, and paste that into the URL should be able to see it then.
I didnt try it but the way I modeled it should be fairly robust. I was able to modify a few dimensions with a successful regen.
Interesting.....I'm wondering if perhaps your version is more powerfull, or has some changed functionality from mine in that way.....I almost absolutly could not get that to work properly.....Who knows, it might just be a short between my seat and the keyboard.

I got my version finished up a few minutes ago.....Here's what I finally came up with after some help from a co-worker....I sat and fiddled with dimensions for a few minutes, and it took some pretty outlandish dimensions to make it crash. Thanks for the help from all involved......with any luck I should have some time tonight to try and make the swept-blend work at home....Took 31 features to make this one....I've gotta get the easier/better way figured out.

Edited by: 2kwik4u
That looks pretty good, I think mine took 8 features or something close to that.

FYI, you can put your URL between these and it will show on the forum as a picture and not a link.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
I knew about the IMG tags, just wasn't using them......figured I would be nice to the last few people still surfing on 56k lines.....I guess that isn't a real issue anymore though......ah well

At any rate I am playing on wildfire now at home, and cannot seem to get the variable section sweep to work properly for this here either.....I think I am missing something. Any chance you could email me the model you made so I can run it through model player? Or if nothing else point me towards a tutorial on something similar.

Thanks again for all the is greatly appreciated.
Email is 2kwik4u - at - gmail - dot - com

Also I kinda figured out some of the swept blend.....took me quite some tries, but I made it finally.....the following model was done in 6 features.....not sure exactly how robust it is, but it was infinately easier to do as compared to the surfaces I did earlier today......It's time for bed though


As you can see pretty close to the same result, however I got there MUCH faster.
I should also add that your rendering skills are FAR superior to if that wasn't blatently obvious :D
At the office I use V.2001 at home I have Wildfire 2.0

I'm sure there are some differences, I'm just to much of a n00b to tell the difference aside from the obvious selection changes and what not.

