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Rounding number in Assembly


New member
View attachment 5674


I am experiencing a problem with assembly dimensions being rounded in the window. This example shows 2 on the window and 2.438 in the ribbon. This would not be a problem if it was only the displayed value but when you click on the dim in the window and then enter "+.25" the dimension changes to 2.25 not 2.436+.25. I was looking for some wisdom from the board to find out if this is a config setting that does this or if it is truly a bug in Creo. To compound matters, when you drag the component to the other side of Zero the number goes to the default 3 decimal places and works normally.

Thanks in advance.

Peter Hoogeveen

Pete, You need to set the default decimal places to 4 in the options window under the tools drop down. default_dec_places.

You window will now display to the 4 decimal place instead of 1.
I did have the default_dec_places to 3, we work in inches and sheet metal so it makes sense, but I changed to 4 just in case. The problem is still there. When redefining a component placement that involves a "distance" constraint and I drag the component one way everything is working right, but when I drag it the other way it rounds to the nearest whole number and reacts as if that number is the actual value when double clicking on the screen value. If I click on the value in the top ribbon everything works fine too. The work around is obvious (just click on the top ribbon value) but this leaves a place for easy mistakes to be made.

Creo 1.0



View attachment 5675

View attachment 5676

