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rumours ...


New member
Starting with :

[url] arines/2100-1007_3-6049926.html [/url]

and quoting :

<quote>At least on one of their Websites ([url],[/url] I found
this quote.

"We make use of Pro/Engineer CAD software, which is fully integrated with both our
analysis and manufacturing tools."

Nice publicity, eh?

On another, I found a comment about BAE having 17 different CAD systems, so it's
hard to know for sure!

<end quote>


"CAD/CAM has been so successful that the number of changes identified during the construction of Virginia is literally an order of magnitude less than those identified during construction of the previous submarine class, Seawolf. This confirms the excellence of this design approach, and has set a new benchmark for future efforts"

I guess the Brits missed that benchmark
Well, BAE system use not only ProE, they use UGS, CATIA, and a lot others as well

So if something was wrong, I bet that CATIA has to do something with that.
Also I know that other softwares as well was have problems (NASTRAN was have big bug in his equations), etc.
And there is always good practice to blame others, or software for failure rather then admit your failure.

In my opinion ProE is clean in this case

