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"Run Time Error" Program crashes

Mark D

New member
I'm trying to install SW 2011 at home on a 32 bit machine with windows 7. Anytime I try to open or save a part/assembly, I get a message that says "Run Time Error" and the program shuts itself down. The SW tech support guys haven't figured it out yet. They thought it may have been my graphics card which was an NVIDIA GeForce 9800 gt. I traded for a quatro 5100, downloaded and installed the driver reccomended by SolidWorks. I still have the same problem. The funny thing is, my computer at work has a geForce 9600 gt and I run SolidWorks all day with no problems. A couple of years ago, before the new graphics card and the upgrade to Win 7,I had a student version installed on my home computer. I had no problems with it then.

I hope someone has had experience with this issue so, they can help me.

Hi Mark,
Try with this, go to your registry editor in HKey Local
Machine, take a back up of existing solidworks registry and
delete. Restart the machine. And try opening the solidworks
and start using it. Sometimes this trick works.

It is nothing to do with your graphics card i think so...

Its just a suggestion, and i couldn't assure you it will definitely works. And do it at your own risk.

