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Running on Macs


New member
Its good to see SW runs on a mac. Could users please clarify wether SW is a universal binary or if it needs to run in Windows under bootcamp or parallel.



It does not run natively in the Mac OS, you do have to use either Parallels,
Bootcamp or VMWare Fusion.

Currently I use a Bootcamp partition with VMware Fusion, it has proven to
be the most reliable for me. You really need about 60GB partition to make
sure you have enough room, I started with a 35GB, reformated to 45GB
and finally 60GB.

RAM... you need at least 2GB to run any of these comfortable, I am
running a MacBook Pro with 3GB and I have run it on a MacBook with
1.25GB but it can be very slow at startup and some of the running Mac

Hope this helps.

