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saddle joint


New member
I've got a challenge for some of you who are used to creating surfaces from curve equations in Pro/E:

I need to make a saddle joint. The bearing surface on each side of a saddle joint appear to basically be round hyperbolic paraboloids.

Here's a pic of a saddle joint:

View attachment 4278
Edited by: 2ms1

The illustration above isn't the greatest. Here's a plot I made in Mathematicaof an example case (ie using value=4 for radius of each bearing surface) of what I've determined must be the equation of the bearing surfaces. The equation is Z=sqrt(R^2-y^2)-sqrt(R^2-x^2).

Now I just need to figure out how to translate this equation into something that creates the surface in Pro/E.

View attachment 4310

View attachment 4311

Here's the same surfaace but rotated to different angle and with different range and domain showing how the limits are indeed [-5,5]as dictated bythe radius of curvature being5for bothdirections.

View attachment 4312

Any ideas for me?
Edited by: 2ms1
My saddle joint has come a long way, but I am currently facing two problems:

(1) I don't know how I am going to be able to set up the contraints/"joint types" so it will, in fact, act like a saddle joint. It's kind of like a ball joint, but there's no rotation. The first graphic in this thread gives the best idea of how these things work.

(2) Whenever I try to select the single large quilt (made up of four sections merged into quilt in part mode as shown in Figure 1) bearing surface in assembly mode, I get only an individual subsection rather than the entire quilt (as in Figure 2).

Anyone have any advice?

Figure 1:

View attachment 4318

Figure 2:

View attachment 4319

