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Same Pattern on Multiple Parts


New member
I have a number of plates/discs that assemble on top of each other, and each individual part has the same pattern of bolt holes through it, such that when they are all assembled, the bolt hole pattern exists on all the detail parts and all the patterns line up. I have experimented with defining the hole pattern at the assembly-level, but then the holes are only present at the assembly level. I need something that will allow the holes to be active at the detail level as well as the assembly level. And at the same time, I'd like the featured to be defined in only one place, so it's easily modified without having to change the same thing on each detail part. I'm sure there's a slick way to do this... Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Couple of ways:

1) Skeleton model, copy geom.
2) Assy feature (you can redefine this to be visible at the part level)
3) Layout

I think #1 is the prefered, most robust method.
Nice! method 1) worked great.

There is a 4th option (for those without Advanced Assembly)

Create the first hole pattern.

Open the assembly with all of the other parts in.

Activate each part in the assembly in turn & create the hole pattern using coaxial placement with the first hole in the pattern.
dr_gallup said:
Couple of ways:

1) Skeleton model, copy geom.
2) Assy feature (you can redefine this to be visible at the part level)
3) Layout

I think #1 is the prefered, most robust method.

Can you elaborate a little bit on the method #2.

There is a fifth way also. You can create the pattern in the first part, then call up the assy. Activate each part, create first hole, referencing the first feature in the pattern of the first part. Then pattern this feature using "reference", and all of the holes will be there. The best thing abpout doing it this way is, if you modify the pattern in the first part, all other parts will update when regenerating the assembly.

Caution!!! Make sure that the first part in the assembly has the "mother" pattern, or you can get a "CRC", (circular reference).
hrj0 said:
dr_gallup said:
Couple of ways:

1) Skeleton model, copy geom.
2) Assy feature (you can redefine this to be visible at the part level)
3) Layout

I think #1 is the prefered, most robust method.

Can you elaborate a little bit on the method #2.

You don't make any of the holes at the part level. Instead, you make the assy then create the first hole as an extruded cut or revolved cut (if you need multiple diameters, chamfers, drill points, etc). When you complete the section, go the the intersect tab. Turn off automatic update and then you can change the display level of the feature to part level. Now the feature will show in the part even though it is created at the assy level. Then you pattern the hole at the assy level.

Edited by: dr_gallup

