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Save analysis steps


New member
I'm trying to save a draft analysis instead of creating a new one each time I open up the model.
Going through the process analysis> geometry> draft pick solid draft and direction gives me the result. Now change quick to saved and it will save it for the session ie it reappears again with analysis> saved analysis and turn it on. In this window there is a button 'create feature from selected saved analysis' which greys out when the analysis is picked. What am I missing?

View attachment 4631
You can double click on the ANALYSIS_DRAFT_1 text or you can use your selection function at the top using WF5.0 or bottom right using WF4.0 and double click on that. Those both regenerate the draft feature... or any analysis function.
Edited by: design-engine
I'm using wf4.
Double clicking on this just takes me back to the start window, going round in circles.
I'm expecting to see a feature in the tree but it is not created; I'm assuming that something is to appear in the tree?
View attachment 4632
I found a note in the help that stated not all saved analysis types support feature creation. This is one of the analysis types that you can't create a feature for.
I wish I could create a feature for this one. So the feature sits in my model tree and i can hide it and show it and update it to my hearts content.
Edited by: design-engine
The reason to have a feature is to utilize the measurement
for some specific purpose. What measurement value would
you use from a fringe draft analysis?

There is not logical output, therefore it cannot be created
as a feature.


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