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Save Formula’s in Pro Pattern Tables


New member
Good Day,

I am using a pattern table to replicate a feature in a part. I would like to make the entries in the table a function of part dimentions. An example table entry might be:


where cell_radius is a part dimension. This works great and the parts are regenerated correctly, but when I "edit definition" -> "Edit" to modify the table, the formula above has been converted to a numeric value and lost theformula text and thus thelinkto the part dimension "cell_radius".

How do you modify the table entries so that the formula text string is maintained?

All suggestions greatly appreciated.
as far as I know, there's no way around that.

Pro/Table is still in infancy.

The only way to achieve what you want to do is use Read File in Pro/Table. Given that you save the table to your startup folder, say "table1_tmp.ptb"

Open it in Excel and use your formula to crunch your numbers. Save the content to that table "table1_tmp.ptb". Then Read File.


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