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Save over a file in WindChill?


New member
Here's another problem I've run in to a few times. How do you save over the top of a file in windchill? Example- I had a multisheet drawing and while my part was in development I had different family table instanced on different sheets. Now that I've finalized my part I got rid of the un-needed family table instances, of course, without thinking about Pro E's shortcomings... So, now, I can't open my drawing because it can't find such and such file. So what, I don't care, it was not a complicated drawing. So, I want to do it over, but I have this corrupt file that I don't know what to do with. Do I need to check it back in, remove it from my workspace, and delete it from its folder in the common space before I can recreate it?

Thanks- BM
If the file is corrupt, don't "save over it" in Windchill. It is possible to make the current drawing a new iteration of the same fie, but why bother. If you don't care about keeping the drawing file that isn't working, then just undo the checkout (if it's checked out), rename the drawing file in Windchill (so you can reuse the name), and you MAY, I repead MAYbe lucky enough to delete the drawing file. If Windchill won't let you delete it (because there are references to other files in Windchill that will not be deleted, including past iterations) then create a folder for obsolte items and move it there.

Then just start your new drawing.


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