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Save Status Command


New member
Every time I close a file I get this warning. WARNING: layer display status was not saved. I looked in help and it tells me I have to use the save staus command?

Can someone tell me how to do that in Wilfire2.0?

Thanks in advance&nbsp ;
Every time you do something in layers (hide orunhide layers) you should save this layer status. To do that either do as jeff said or if you must do that often then pull out icon Save layer status.
Thanx guy's!

I'm sure it's a rookie thing. :) O As long as we are on the subject. I recieved some drawings from someone and none of the datum planes display unless I click on them in the Model Tree. Same with Axis, Points and Coordinates, yet they are not hidden in the model tree. Can you tell me how to do that?

Thanx again for your help.

Actualy it was a model. and they are on hidden layers. What threw me was when I created a drawing from the same model none of the datums etc. were hidden. I guess it's stored in the individual part, assy, drw file.

Now I'm stumped again

That fixed my display problem but when I click on the datum in the model tree it doesn't highlight.
Okey doke. Drawings handle / can handle layer visibility independantly of model layer status. I'm not sure I know enough about the subject to elaborate accurately. There are two config options that can be accessed from the layer Settings (?) dialog. I keep 'em both checked and it seems to allow completely independant layer status control, but things do go goofy on me every now and then so ... <G> Drawing layer and object visibility control is very versatile and, subsequently, a bit complicated for simple minds like mine.
afrolick said:
Now I'm stumped again

That fixed my display problem but when I click on the datum in the model tree it doesn't highlight.

ummm... Highlighting is goofy on my system. I was wondering why you could highlight 'em in the model tree if they were on a blanked layer. They won't on my system ... I think. I can highlight if I pick in the layer tree, though. Try regen'g the model, maybe close Pro/E and restart, maybe just messin' around will bring it back...There is a switch in both model tree and layer tree (mine are separate) to turn off highlighting, btw, that's handy if you get models that take minutes to paint the highlight.
"I'll figure it out. (or not)"

Sometimes it seems to defy reason, but it comes thru in the end. <G>

One additional thought: I've seen, with a drawing or two and a few models open; jumping from one to the other, Pro/E seems to lose track / synch of which is active. The model tree displays for the file I'm working, but nothing will highlight when picked in it. Seems that closing the model tree or minimizing Pro/E and bringing it up would fix, but can't remember for sure.

Have a good 'un.
Yeah I tried that too with the same results. They will highlight in the layer tree but not the model tree regardless the highlight status in the show menu. I rebooted but no change. O well I better get some work done. I'll look at it some more later...

