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saving a sketch??


New member
i am used to using the dreadded Pro-E but I am trying to get to grips with solidworks (2004 version) now.

I was wandering if there is any way you can save a sketch that you have created so you can use it in the building of a sepparate part or feature. I know this can be done in pro-e but havent found it in solidowrks,

cheers for your help

If you select the sketch in the design tree and use CTRL-C to copy it, you can then go into the new part or feature and CTRL-V to paste it.
nice one!

Its a hell of a lot easier than on pro e!

Oh yes u can also jus drag n drop the sketch out of the tree into the new sketch!


Problem is you can change the sketch in the new part, and if you change the sketch in the old part it does not update in the new part. Pro/e does

Is there a way to bring over just the stuff i want from one part to another? I want an axis that i can snap to or something i can actually use? any help?
Sure! Choose the skatch what you need to copyand skatch plane where you want to get the skatch dependent on your old skatch. Use Insert, Derived Skatch. You will have the skatch which is always connected with initial skatch.

be lucky
arrichar said:
Problem is you can change the sketch in the new part, and if you change the sketch in the old part it does not update in the new part. Pro/e does

Pro/e doesn't !?

I use all the Pro/E version from 20 to W2 but my opinion -it is impossible to drive part by sketch file (*.sec).

