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Saving Exploded View


New member
I made an exploded view ofmy assembly, but it doesn't save it when I save the model. Instead, it returned to the default exploded view when I open the file at a later date.

I see no option to save exploded view.

On the plus side I figured out how to select multiple components to explode at once. Any way to type in a set value to explode to than moving it with the mouse???

SolidWorks >> Pro
when it comes to exploding models.
you use View Manager to save off specific explode states. These
update in the drawing fine unlike back in 1998 on version Pro/E 18.0
where components bounced around in explode.
thanks for the help. i tried saving the view, and it went to teh default or something else and move all my exploded parts.

i'll have to mess around with it another day. I got my jpg image, which is all i needed it for at the time. figured out how to change my line weights and make PDF drawings, so I'm cooking now. the oven isn't all that hot with Pro/E, but I'm cooking regardless!
Historically, there was never a specific "save" button in exploded views, but not exitting out of the menus correctly caused changes to be lost, just like "Edge Disp" in the drawing View function.

Also set up your preferences so the components move in finite increments rather than smoothly on the mouse so it is easir to put items in exact locations.

Redefine explode positions in assembly mode, just in case you were trying to do it in drawing mode.


Edited by: Dell_Boy

