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Scale Model


New member
Is is possible to Scale a model and use the parameter in a family table.

A couple of components are very similar except for their size. They could be driven by a relation, which would change all features in the model.

do you think I could do it using Scale Modelplus family table..?

thanks a lot.

Using scale model has its problems, mainly that it doesn't show up in the model tree.

Use the warp tool and then transform to scale the model. This then produces a feature in your tree. Family tables can then be generated using the scale value to change the size of the instances.

Let me know how you get on.

The warp takes a few goes to get the hang of it, but stick to the transform tool in warp and you will get it to work ok.

I tried it before I did that last post and it all works well.

Good Luck
Yes, that's how I did it.

I had 3 instances plus the original.

The original was full size, instance 1 was .5 scale, instance 2 was twice the size and instance 3 was 4 times bigger.

I'll try and post the model so you can see what i did.


I should have read your e-mail a bit more closely. I set up a family table to have the different instances, but if you don't want to do that you can still easily change the scale.

Have a look at the attached model and see if it's what you're after.

Absolutely A+!

I got it now. the options tab was unavailable coz I was doing it wrong.

Thank you very much!
Use a 'Shrinkage' feature if you have Pro/MOLDESIGN. You would need a separate feature for each value of shrinkage used because I don't think you can parameterise the value and put it into a family table. If you don't have Moldesign I don't think I can help you with sending you a UDF of the shrinkage feature because I don't think Pro/E will allow you to place it. However, I COULD send you a template part file with numerous shrinkage features in it and then you could delete what you didn't want out of the model tree.


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