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scale the model

keyur soni

New member
hi to all,
is there any tool to scale the model in either x & y or x & z co-ordinate direction
thanks skint ,
but (edit :scale model) this tool direct scale the model after giving the scale ratio with out asking coordinate direction x,y or z
i want to scale the model in only two direction X & Y
if it is only scalling in one two direction then

I rather call stretch it in two direction

you can use warp/ stretch

But i think if there is a shell or hole then it will get deformed

IT can be used only for a solid model

Edited by: davisdony
You need the molding module for independent x,y,z scaling factors. Pro/e can do it, PTC just want WAY too much money to do it.
That is called non proportional scale and a point of contention with many industrial designers looking at Pro/E over the past 15 years.

Which is why I came up with the bounding box or lattice structure way of modeling. Search the fourm or google for those two phrases

Edited by: design-engine

