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scouts logo


New member
hello all, not sure where to put this question.

I'm curently looking for the scouts logo as in jpg, but in some kind of CAD format.

Native pro-e would be the best, but anything else that I could import in it would be just as great.

It's not for any commercial purpose !

I tried several programs to convert jpg/bmp/tiff/... to dxf but they all give something not realy usefull.

So if any of you has that logo, please let me know,

View attachment 3398

yours in scouting,

an employe of Indusign
What exactly are you doing?? Are you just trying to put the scouts logo on a surface or a er you trying to do some kinda design with the scout logo. I am pretty good with Pro-E and a long time scout (well leader now).

If you want to model the logo just send the word.. I would love to take a stab at it...
Hi Torme, if I open that dxf in ProE, I just get a blank sheet, nothing in it.

I tried several conversion programs, or they give me a not usefull something, or a blank file.

I would use the dxf to plot it out on several sizes without any loss of details. Allways usefull now the next World Jamboree is comming.
I think we will use it to put the logo on the wall on our scouts domain, bit more artistic then the "plain" one.

