i hide some features in the feature tree, now i want to find the hidden feature in the model by api tookit,my program is as follow: it works well in wildfire2.0,but when i use it on wildfire3.0 , the wf3.0 crashed. i use vc++6.0 to compile and link. If anybody get any idea ,please tell me,thanks
ProMdlLayerNamesGetR19(mdl, &layer_names, &num_layer);
if ( num_layer > 0 )
for (int i1=0; i1<num_layer; i1++)
CString featype;
ProCharLine& nbsp; string;
ProWstringToString(string, layer_names[i1]);
if ( featype==".BLACK_HOLE" )
ProLayer layer;
ProMdlLayerGet(mdl, layer_names[i1], &layer);
ProLayerItem *layer_items;
ProLayerItemsGet(&layer, &layer_items, &n_item);
ProMdlLayerNamesGetR19(mdl, &layer_names, &num_layer);
if ( num_layer > 0 )
for (int i1=0; i1<num_layer; i1++)
CString featype;
ProCharLine& nbsp; string;
ProWstringToString(string, layer_names[i1]);
if ( featype==".BLACK_HOLE" )
ProLayer layer;
ProMdlLayerGet(mdl, layer_names[i1], &layer);
ProLayerItem *layer_items;
ProLayerItemsGet(&layer, &layer_items, &n_item);