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Section a specific part only


New member

I have an assembly, and I would like to do a section view of a specific part only, leaving the rest of the assembly in a standard view.

Is this possible? If so, I would appreciate any help.

I am running SolidWorks Premier 2007.

Below is a screen shot of the assembly. The gold object is the part I want to display a section view of.

Thank you.

Just an idea:

If you wish to print the drawing, make a cut in the part, and print. Then suppress (or delete)the cut.

OR: Make a new configuration of the part (only in this configuration you have the cut of your part) and use this configuration (of the part)to make a new configuration of the assembly. Then you can switch as you need between the assembly configurations (and drawings, of course).

Maybe exist an easy way, but what I say must solve your problem.

Good luck !
Thank you for the tip. That should work to do what I need. Almost a shame they do not have a break view, like you would make on a mechanical drawing.
They have.

Again I am not in front of an computer with SW installed, so I can not tell you where is this command (BREAK VIEW). Click TOOLS - CUSTOMIZE and search in the DRAWING item. You find there the button for BREAK and you can pull this button on any toolbar you wish. But I think that this command is not properly for you in this case.

Good luck !

