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selecting thru faces


New member
Hi folks

I'm using SW2009 SP4, and i'm not sure if SW has always acted like this...

When i go to select a face of a 3d object, most of the time, solidworks thinks i'm trying to select something behind the face, say particularly edges or verticies.
It is very difficult to select the face that is closest to me, sometimes it takes a lot of hunting around before i find a spot where there's nothing behind the face i want to select -- at which point i can select the face.

Did i change some setting somewhere? Has it always been like this and i've only recently noticed it?

If you use initial settings there are no problems to select elements. I don't now you settings exactly. Try: TOOLS- SYSTEM OPTIONS- (bellow)-RESET ALL. So you get initial settings.
Yeah, thanks, it was
Selection of hidden edges
Allow selection in wireframe and HLV modes
allow selection in HLR and shaded modes

Does anyone know what HLV and HLR are?

HLV - Hidden Lines Viewed

HLR - Hidden Lines Removed


