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Selecting very many parts?


New member

I got a STEP assembly that opened to be many hundred parts in Pro/E.

Now, if I want to delete or suppress about half of them because they belong to a structure above the half I want to look at, I have to hunt and pick each and every one manually in the window, because the part tree is not in any kind of order.

Is there a smarter way to do this? Should I not be able to just left-click and draw a square in the window, selecting everything within it? "Select region" only works in 2D?

Edited by: MichailS
You can do a find by part name and then delete/supress multiple instances of a part. You can use wildcards as well.
Thank you for your replies!

The parts all have different names. And even the components that would reasonably be the same are different. :| I am looking at a tree with 642 parts, almost all having different numbers.

Zones are new to me, I shall study that right away. Thanks!

I realize I should have posted this in the Assembly Tricks forum. Sorry.

