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Selection filter


New member

I just want to know how can I effectively use the selection filter in drawing.

My case is, I have drawing where there are few dimensions, few annotation notes, few balloons which are all in one type of text(it may be any text). I have to change the text type of all the dimensions in one go.

Right now I'm selecting each dimensions one by one and changing the text type. If I'm able to select all the dimensions in one go by any means may be by using selection filter it will be very much simple and less time consuming.

My expectation is to select all the dimensions in one go, all the annotations in one go, all the balloons in one go so that I can avoid selecting one by one.

Any of you guys have came across this?

Any ideas towards this would be of great help.

Thanks in advance.


This is possible by using a selection filter in left top corner in drawing window. Just choose the "Dimension" in selection filter if you want to select only the dimensions and select ctrl A, only dimensions will be selected then click on settings so that you can change the text height, ,type & color in one go for all the selected dimensions.

Similar you can choose note, symbol etc under selection filter for modifying the any items you want.

I think, It will save our time.


