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selective unhide?

just use your modeltree and - unhide.

Or what do you want to do, more exactly? :)

i'd like to avoid hunting around the model tree to find the specific part that i'd like to unhide.

I was hoping that show or unhide would change the window to show hidden items, that you can select to have unhide in your model.
you can use the search tool to find hidden objects. open the search tool, set the Look For value to Part, select the Status tab, set the Rule value to Display, under Criteria, set the Category value to Visibility, set Comparison value to is equal to, and set Value to Blanked/Hidden. This will find all hidden objects.
If I understand you correctly you can go to layers and see all the hidden items there.
Expand the list, when you hover over the parts they highlight on the model. You can then just use the RMB to unhide.

Was this the thing you were after?
When you hide something, in the layer tree there is a layer called hidden. All hidden items are in this layer. just chose your parts from that layer and unhide.
i come from a very strong NX and solidworks background, the past 7 years. Now i'm on creo, i'm struggling to find the usability features that the other 2 programs have in creo.

i'm sure you guys hate hearing about solidworks, but i just don't get how creo doesn't have a lot of these features. Or does, but are pretty time consuming to use.

this is what i'm after, instead of boxing to grab all, you can individually select parts to unhide. But, it takes shows you another view of just hidden components.
You're obviously new to creo. You're best bet is to forget all about what you knew was possible and just learn to deal with what you have. Focus on the things that are better - I'm sure there are some - otherwise you're just wasting time lamenting. Just use the hidden layer method - it's pretty close to what you are asking for.
Creo accomplishes this with Simplified Reps and Style States in View Manager.

Hiding and showing many parts on the fly is great for the individual user who only has to worry about whatever they can remember at any given time, but the robust and collaborative design environment that Creo is made for requires restraint, procedures, and purpose. Think of it not as a CAD program but a product development platform.

If that seems too rigid for complex for you or your company, maybe you shouldn't be using Creo. Can you suggest a change?
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You're best bet is to forget all about what you knew was possible and just learn to deal with what you have

that sentence keeps coming up.

I'd like to thank you guys for the the time/help. I'll keep pressing on.

