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setting lights in shaded parts


New member
I would like to set the ambient light so that I can rotate the parts or assy without getting such high reflection when a flat part is parallel to the screen. suppose I have a PCB with components or other mainly flat parts, if I set a "front" view , the light ( I guess the distant default light) does not allow me to see the components (it's too strong).

I would like to wisualize the shadedparts like most of the others 3d cad sistems (SW, SE ...) with a more"neutral" light

I suppose You should turn Your attention on colors settings instead

there is no such need to play with a light settings. Take a look at Color&Appearance menu, there are colors which are discribed by: diffuse, ambient, highlights. Tune this to achieve desired effects
I think you got atleast two choises here :

1 : Default is that the lightssetting is one "ambient" , and one "distant light" that is placed above your right shoulder. But, You can however create your own default light settings file if you wish...

Just place the lights were you want them , and save the setting (In light editor : file - save) Then you can either load the settings when you wants them...(file - open) or you canreplace thepro/e default light file whit your new one... (then you will always start pro/e whit your own light settings)

(you might have to be a admin to do that, depends on your installation)

2 . Or, you could do as muadib3d says, look at your color settings, you might want to decreasethe reflection of your color?

good luck

Yes, it works enough playing with colours thing I miss in ProE is the black contour in the edges...this would help to have a better view.

ilmegor said:
.one thing I miss in ProE is the black contour in the edges...this would help to have a better view.

You ask - You have

change the color for whole part to black one

change the color for all solid surfaces to desired one

now You have black edges
....or, you might want to try "shade whit edges"

its located under " wiev - display settings - model display" .... look under the shade tab , and there you go.

ok, not "black edges" ...but atleast you can see the edges clearer when you shade.., it might help a bit....

Edited by: tobbo
Do both things as Jacek and Tobbe suggested and you'll have what you look for.

Only thing to wish for is to be able to control the line width of the edges, but it gives a good result as it is.
ankarl said:
Do both things as Jacek and Tobbe suggested and you'll have what you look for.

Only thing to wish for is to be able to control the line width of the edges, but it gives a good result as it is.

I bite my teeth to achieve that, without result though. I wish to have this either. I wish to have black edges with different color of surfs not chenaged due to the new geometry addition.
muadib3d said:
I wish to have black edges with different color of surfs not chenaged due to the new geometry addition.

When adding machining features on a cast part I find this a useful "bug".
You'll see easily what is machined or not. But I agree, most times it is anoying having the colorschanging as you proceed with the model.

They had the "enhanced mode" in Pro/Desktop that gave you black outlines with a single button, was expecting that to come in wildfire, but no....
Edited by: ankarl

You ask - You have

change the color for whole part to black one

change the color for all solid surfaces to desired one

now You have black edges

ok, butmust I change colours to all my parts in the assembly, one by one??

How much time(=money)does ittake to do simple things in pro/E?....but this is another topic.

THANKS for your help!
ilmegor said:
ok, butmust I change colours to all my parts in the assembly, one by one??

How much time(=money)does ittake to do simple things in pro/E?....but this is another topic.

THANKS for your help!

Yes, you have to do this for each model and there is another minor disadvantage. If you create a cross section through the parts they will all be black on the inside (like an M&M) so if you're using the cross section in a presentation, showing the actual models, it might be a little confusing. I say this because most people like the black edges for use in presentations. Also, any cuts made to the part after you make this change will expose black surfaces so you will just have to edit colors again and select those new surfaces.

"show_shaded_edges yes" by itself at least gives you some differentiation between the edges and the surfaces without any drawbacks or work. Although, it will be minimal in lightly colored parts.

By the way, I've never had a client that I designed a part for complain that the part didn't have black edges, I understand the frustration though.

Edited by: jason_

