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Shade or fill

Asho Pulsar

New member

How to shade the sketch projected on the round surface. If use fill to shade the sketch that shades on the plane not over the surface.
Im assuming you mean shade the area inside the sketch and not change the curve color. What you can do is do a surface copy of the entire rounded surface and then trim that surface using the projected curve. From there you can change the color and apperance of that surface quilt. That should get you the color/shade of just that area.

yeah working well, but what i hav done here, projected some alphabets over the round surface. Only three alphabets can able to trim over the copiedsurface, remaining can't. what wud b d problem.
Often you need to offset the trimmed surface bya very small amount (0.05mm) otherwise you end up with a messy merge of colours (Pro/E trying to display 2 colours at the same time).
Thats wat getin here right nw. Actually wat i made is a cricket ball, on the surface around the ball there is a some company names and logos on either side. That letters n logos i need to create a fill or shade.

