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shade quality


New member
Is there a setting in config or somewhere that will automatically change the shade quality to 10 (not the default 3) when I fire up pro?

This is an frequently asked question. When is PTC going to supply it as a config option. I sure would like this.
There's a option in Wildfire 5.0: SHADE_QUALITY. Just set it to the appropriate value.

I still like to use mapkeys to control this. I have one mapkey to set it to 10 and another to set it back to the default value of 3. I run PRo/E at the default value of 3 so my graphics don't slow down too much when running with larger assemblies and then I can just toggle it via the mapkey to 10 when I'm looking at a particular model and then switch it back when I'm done.
I use a "startup.txt" file to change that to 10 everytime I start Wildfire. The file was created using the trail file and then modified for use on startup. You then add the "path\filename " (Keep the quotes) to the end of your desktop Wildfire shortcut 'Target' command. This was originally usedfor Wildfire 2 and then moved to my Wildfire 4 directory and still worked fine. If you already use a startup file then youwill have to add the appropriate lines to your file.

Great tips.
What's a startup.txt file and how to use it?

Also how to find out what the new options are for each new release? Why-o-why does PTC want to keep these things a secret. Bizarre.
about new configs, look at olaf cortens page, or "just google it". (but yes, ptc should give you all that info)

The Startup.txt file is just a file that contains commands that Wildfire will execute when it starts. The file name can be just about anything, I chose that name because it was something that made sense to me.The easiest way to get the necessary commands is to start Wildfire and then perform whatever actionyou wantdone on startup. Then exit Wildfire andlook at the most recent trail file.It will have the required commands plus the ones used to exit Wildfire, so those will have to be deleted. Search forTrial file information for better explantion.You may need to enable trail files to be saved, mine already was doing that.

The filename chosen (ex: startup.txt)is then inserted as a command line parameter inthe Shortcut link that starts Wildfire. You should see that command in the target line of your shortcut. If you don't have a Wildfire shortcut, create one.

kwyjibo100 said:
There's a option in Wildfire 5.0: SHADE_QUALITY. Just set it to the appropriate value.

Low and behold, it's there. PTC does listen. Long time to get. Now I have a problem. There is no reason for me not to use WF5 except if while using it I find a show stopper and have to revert back to WF4, I'm SOL, PTC never gave us the capability to save to older releases. I may still have to wait a little and see what surfaces.
Bob_W said:
The Startup.txt file is just a file that contains commands that Wildfire will execute when it starts. The file name can be just about anything, I chose that name because it was something that made sense to me.The easiest way to get the necessary commands is to start Wildfire and then perform whatever actionyou wantdone on startup. Then exit Wildfire andlook at the most recent trail file.It will have the required commands plus the ones used to exit Wildfire, so those will have to be deleted. Search forTrial file information for better explantion.You may need to enable trail files to be saved, mine already was doing that.

The filename chosen (ex: startup.txt)is then inserted as a command line parameter inthe Shortcut link that starts Wildfire. You should see that command in the target line of your shortcut. If you don't have a Wildfire shortcut, create one.


Thanks for info. So right now I have for the Target: C:\proeWildfire 5.0\bin\proe.exe.

So instead I need to enter the full path of the startup file?

Edited by: mgnt8

In your shortcut the 'target' line should read:

C:\proeWildfire 5.0\bin\proe.exe "startup.txt"

Include the quotes as indicated. I have a slightly different command line but I think yours should work as I have copied above. Mine is entered this way:

....\\bin\pro_star.exe -R 2005 "h:\wildfire\startup.txt"

I can't find references to command line options to help with exact syntax but start with the first one.
mgnt8 said:
Also how to find out what the new options are for each new release? Why-o-why does PTC want to keep these things a secret. Bizarre.

PTC also publishes the list of all options (well, not the hidden ones) as a PDF. You can download it from the PTC Support page under the Reference Documents section. They even have a section that shows all the options that have changed since Wildfire 4.0. It would be nice if they also included differences going from ealier versions, but I guess you can just download the WF 4 or WF 3 documents as they also have the "what's new since the last release" section.

That is a clever way to do this. - Thanks for sharing.

PTC - Adding a option like SHADE_QUALITY probably takes about 10 minutes to impliment. It should not have taken so long for this to be done. I can understand some changes taking a while due all the testing and such, but adding a config option should be pretty darn easy, and a no brainer. It should be able to be added to WF3 cuts pretty easily too.You are so focused on what the competitors are doing, you forget the people who actually pay you: your current customers!!

