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Sheet Metal: Why can’t I add this flange


New member
How can I add another 45 degree flange like the first one?


above on the model circled in red. That relief needs to be normal to both features. Since you have a slight angle to your problem feature.... the feature bogs down. Try creating a separate sheetmetal cut as a relief or pulling back on the drag handle. I know I would not be satisfied with pulling back probably so try the special relief.
Thanks. Turns out I was using the "create flat wall" command, when I should have been using "create FLANGE wall"... Ok, I have the flanges, now how do I merge these corners in Pro E? I hate to ask such a simple question, but I know how to do it in Inventor (the only other CAD program with which I've done any significant amount of sheet metal work). Inventor had, well, still has, a merger corner tool button I'd select the two edges I want brought together, set a gap or distace, and wham- I nice corner to corner fit.



sip said:
You on WF3?


uh, no. WF2. We have WF3, but have not upgraded yet. Don't know why. Am I to understand there's no way to do what I want in WF2? That's pretty weak if that's the case.

I know how to do it with a sheet metal conversion, but some parts are a lot harder to model that way.

The reason I asked is in WF3 you can create a wall that goes all around your part, and miters all the corners. A very nice feature.

ProE does advanced deformation areas and rolled bends but fails the most obvious day-to-day common practices. Incredible that it takes WF3 to get some common sense.
AHA-D said:
ProE does advanced deformation areas and rolled bends but fails the most obvious day-to-day common practices. Incredible that it takes WF3 to get some common sense.

It's insane. I thought of a motto PRC could use to market Pro E- "We make the seemingly simple tasks incredibly difficult, but the incredibly difficult tasks possible".

Inventor 5, like from 6 years ago, could effortlessly miter the corners like I want. Inventor 5!!! It's totally weak in so many other catagories to Pro E. Just doesn't make sense. Maybe the PTC guys are so high up on their high horses they think they know what the users need rather than listen to the users and seriously check out the competing products.

This is like my other problem with a pattern. I can do all kinds of advanced patterning features, things that can't even be dreampt of in SW or IV, but I can't add features to an exsisting pattern. Just as stupid.



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