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short way to backup a lot of drawings


New member
Hi all,

I have a directory, called D1, in which there are a lot of parts, let's say p1,p2,p3,...p50.prt. Each part has its drawing: p1.drw, p2.drw,..., p50.drw.

I want to backup all the drawings and the corresponding parts in the directory D2. How can I do it as fast as possible? They are more than 50 drawings...



couldn't you simply make an additional folder and copy all of them into that using regular copy and paste methods for the files themselves?

just a thought...



whatever Veteran said right.

Tthis is the simple way to create.

But one thing it will creates the next version no.

If you don't want to create version nos you open the all drawings and go to file/backup to new folder.

Ok, I was not completely sure that copy and paste were correct.

Are you sure that the model of the copied drawing points the corresponding part in the new directory? Or does it refer to the previous path of the model?

For example:

in c:\dir1\ I have p1.prt and the correspondig drw draw1.drw

I copy and paste all in c:\dir2\. Now Draw1.drw refers to c:\dir1\p1.prt or refers to c:\dir2\p1.prt?



caveat: be careful with this...when you move files around it is possible to get revisions with the same name yet be different and also for a file to be unable to open due to a missing part or other associated file. An easy fix by moving the missing file, but you should be aware of it.

if you copy the files from one folder to the next you are making identical copies.
(copy/paste like any other file)

the original part might be like this: part.prt.10

the copy should be like this: part.prt.10 in your new folder.

If you then save that file again you will add a revision number ie: part.prt.11 Keep that in mind if you try to move the file again.

The part files do not know where the originals are which means drawings and other associated files need to be copied too, if you want them available in the new directory. There is a way to set up a search path in the config files in case a file does not find the rest of the files (ie: an assembly that can't find the parts)
otherwise you can try to find the component manually. With drawings the file will not open if there is no associated file in the directory or search path.


paoloz, I think part of what mag is trying to tell you is that regardless of which copy of the file you open, pro/e looks for its parent and associated filesstarting with whatever is in session and then whatever is in your current working directory regardless of the version number. If it does not find them there, it searchesyour system's search path environment variable. So you have to be careful and manage your backups properly to avoid version conflicts. Also, when pro/e finds the parent or associated file in another location when you open a file, your modifications to it are saved in that location rather than your current working directory.


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