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Showing Center Mark for Radii


New member
Is there any method to show Center Marks for Radii? in WF2
(Note that I am not talking about showing center marks for extruded arcs!!)

Presently i am creating a Draft Entity Arc on that Radius edge and then Creating a Center Point for that Arc. But any modification to the radius value in the Model will not update the Draft entity and will lead to a mess.

Please suggest any other better technique.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Hi proexpert,
Create an axis with the help of thru cylinder option and select the radius. Now u can show that axis in the drawing as a center mark. Hope this helps.
Anyway i am surprised even proe experts needs advice.
One thing you can do is create the draft parametrically. This way you can pinpoint the center (or the before created point where the arc is constrained) of the arc to the model geometry.

Hope this helps anything.

