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showing "on the fly datum" in model tree

New member
Hi All,

I have a model created using Pro/E 2001. currently I using WF2.0 I want to show the datum created in a protrusion feature in my model tree. Is it possible to extract this datum? how?

Thnx for the support in advance.
PTC calls these embedded datums now, could help with any searches you have. If your desire is to just see the datum in the model tree you can set your "Item Display" to show the datums you want. We ahve everything turned on.

If your desire is to remove the datum from the feature and have it as a stand alone entity in the model tree you willneed to have the above setting in place and then do this.

Click the plus signadjacent to a feature on the model tree to view the embedded datum references of the feature in the expanded state. Select the embedded datum of the featureand thendragitabove the feature it's being pulled from. PTC says to drag it to the "Insert Here" but I don't have much luck with that. The point is that it's a parent of the feature soit needs to be above it in the modeltree, if not embedded.
Edited by: jason_
Actually in WF2.0 there are not embedded datums like there is in 3 and 4. If you create a datum on the fly it auto groups those features. All you have to do is ungroup them using the ungroup command.

Jason_ you must be thinking of how it works in WF 3.0 or 4.0
csusie said:
Actually in WF2.0 there are not embedded datums like there is in 3 and 4. If you create a datum on the fly it auto groups those features. All you have to do is ungroup them using the ungroup command.

Jason_ you must be thinking of how it works in WF 3.0 or 4.0

That's exactly right, WF3, sorry.
Edited by: jason_
Hi All,

thanks for the replies.

The model and the datum feature was created in Pro/E I am just trying to redefine the existing model. I want to use a datum( created on thefly) in another younger feature, how to use it???

I am not using WF3 or WF4.
If you can create the new feature immediately after the protrusion you can just select "use previous" during sketching plane selection and you don't need to actually pick the datum. Even is you don't want the feature at that point in the model tree you could create it there & then move it down.
I don't think you can use the on the fly datum in creating another feature in WF2.0, you can only use the on the fly datum if it was created in 2001. I tried to create a sweep feature in WF2 and create the on the fly datum as sketching plane, but after the sweep was created, I could not use the previous datum to create another feature. But trying to creating the sweep in 2001 and open the part in WF2 now i can use the previous datum.
Edited by: jaypogi
You should be able to re-use a datum-on-the fly in Wildfire onwards but you can't. PTC always said you would be able to do before Wildfire was released.

The only way to re-use a datum-on-the-fly is to make it a standalone feature, either by ungrouping the feature it was created in or just making a plain old stanalone datum.

Incidentally, you can make genuinely embedded datums-on-the-fly in Wildfire if you use the Legacy application. I sometimes use this for the sake of creating a feature and then set back to standard after the feature has been created.
pjw -

Datum-on-the-fly created in wildfire can be reused. In WF 1 and 2 they are simply auto-grouped and you can easily select that datum for future features. In WF 3 they are embedded, which still doesnt stop you from using that datumfor other features, it does auto hide the datum though and give you a warning that you are using an embedded datum when you regenerate, but doesnt prohibit you from being able to selectit as a reference.
Go to the application menu and choose legacy. This will bring back the old menus to use the way you did in 2001.


Though I've not tried it, I bet the find tool will list that datum, where it can be chosen as a reference.
hi All,

thanks for the replies.

now i got the answer, there was an option to show/include this "on-the-fly" datum in May be it is also requiredto turn ONall radio buttonsin the tree filter as said by Jason. I do not have 2001 now, else I could have given the exact config option.

thnx to All

