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The way I always used shrinkwraps were for background. You can take anassembly and have the rest of the background as a single feature that you can assemble to. And if you leave the Shrinkwrap as "Dependent" it will keep up to date with the assembly. You just have to update it and make sure the Shrinkwrap and the assembly are in the same workspace.
"External" and "internal"shrinkwrap is only a difference in locating the geometry in space. Internal uses the relative positions within the assembly you currently work in, external would superimposea selected coordinate systems in the "receiving" and the "sending" model.
With that said, both internal end external are associative and will have a link to the original geometry. You can switch dependency on/off to have the actual update more or less automated, but the link is always there (intralink will tell you that at least)
Example of usage:
In an assembly you need to route pipies. You then create a subassembly for the pipes, and a skeleton model (or ordinary part) within the subassembly. You activate the skeleton/part and create an internal shrinkwrap (feature). Now you can open the subassembly and use the shrinkwrap as a map for routing (leaving the top assembly free for work by someone else). If the original geometry is changed, you activate the skeleton/part and right click the shrinkwrap feature and say "update shrinkwrap".
So the shrinkwrap feature is just at feature. You need to plan where to place it and how to use it. It could be used for simpreps as you say, but there are more uses, like described.
"Save a copy" to shrinkwrap is another story and creates a non-associative model. The best usage is for imported standard object (we use large engines, pumps, generators and more).
I'm confused about the mention of dependent shrinkwraps. The shrinkwrap screen I have (in Wildfire 3.0) doesn't have that option, and I don't remember it in 2.0 either. The help file also mentions it, and implies that it would be in the'Special Handlings'group of options. Can someone suggest what I'm doing wrong?
I've always resisted using shrinkwraps precisely because of the lack of dependency. If there's a way to achieve that, it would be a big help to me.
I have a problem ragarding associative shrinkwrap: when I insert a shrinkwrap I have two choice to position it: default or Sysco. Is it possible to have a third way like positioning a normal part? (I mean align......mate......insert........)
thank you for your help.
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