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simplfy rep.-mass problems

gt rider

New member
I create simplify rep state with rule to exclude all my flat parts in assm. and subasssm.

The problem is ??? that Proe/W (build 0150)dont correctcalculate mass in subassm., the mass in subassm is always full.

Analyse in assm. is correct but in drw. mass analyse is not good.

I have also include this parameter in FORCE_UPD_ASSEM_MP_IN_SIMP_REP yes

Any idea, I'll be vary happy

Thanks for that config option...I've been wondering if I could create a simplified rep and have the mass change accordingly. I set that config option and had no problems. It changed two ways. 1. I regenerated twice (that's if you have Weight=mp_mass("")), and 2. Go to Edit, Setup, Mass Props and hit OK, then regenerate and your mass (weight) should change. I even check it with a model analysis and it worked. Hope this helps.
straupma said:
Thanks for that config option...I've been wondering if I could create a simplified rep and have the mass change accordingly. I set that config option and had no problems. It changed two ways. 1. I regenerated twice (that's if you have Weight=mp_mass("")), and 2. Go to Edit, Setup, Mass Props and hit OK, then regenerate and your mass (weight) should change. I even check it with a model analysis and it worked. Hope this helps.

The problem isn't in assmbly, the mass analyse in assmbly is correct fos sure, the problem is in drwing where the simpl. rep. exclude mass just out of the parts-assm. included in top level; in level 2,3.... full mas is included, I have made some tests

Try it straupma.

My opinion it's a bug in Pro/E
Your right! I can't get my drawing to only recognize the reps mass. My rep is set in the drawingbut only takes master rep mass. Sure, if my rep is set in the assembly, then is shows up....but what good is that
Good deal. Hope they get back to you with a legitimate answer....not "it will be addressed in a later build."
Hm there might be few cause of yours problem.
First what parameter is used in drawing to show mass?? I'm using: pro_mp_mass
Second do you have those 2 parameters in
mass_property_calculate automatic
mp_calc_level all_models
Third, while creating drawing what rep did you use it for its creating? If you use master and then later change it to your simp rep it would still have mass from master rep.
Also try to regenerate asm in drawing, and update sheet.

Let us know if some of this help you to solve problem.

I'm using relation Weight=mp_mass("") and have those options in I even created the drawing empty so I could select which rep to use and then bring in my format. But it takes master rep. Tell me, are you able to get reps mass in thedrawing?
Yes you are right it really doesn't change when you pick simp rep. So I did a little research and this is what I found it:
When you create mass report ProE calculate mass and its value store in parameter called pro_mp_mass (check it in Tools, Parameters, Reported Mass Properties). Note: this pro_mp_mass it the same thing as mp_mass (I think).
When you create drawing regarding what rep you use in table it is shown this value of this parameter.
Then I try to suppress some of components (the same as in simp rep), then create mass report, and I have right mass properties (both in drawing and asm). After that I resume components and I didn't create mass report but value of right mass of simp repstay in drawing as well in asm (both master and simp). In this case parameter pro_mp_mass is one from simp rep (master rep with suppress components).

Conclusion: regarding of what you do every time when you will create master rep mass properties it will change pro_mp_mass to masters and mass of simp rep in drawing will be lost, so this is seriously issue, and you should contact PTC about it to see what they say.
Isair said:
Hm there might be few cause of yours problem.
First what parameter is used in drawing to show mass?? I'm using: pro_mp_mass
Second do you have those 2 parameters in
mass_property_calculate automatic
mp_calc_level all_models
Third, while creating drawing what rep did you use it for its creating? If you use master and then later change it to your simp rep it would still have mass from master rep.
Also try to regenerate asm in drawing, and update sheet.

Let us know if some of this help you to solve problem.

pro_mp_mass I'm using that parameter

mp_calc_level all_models...........I have also included this paramter, but in drawing nothingchanges!

i have also regenerate asm in drawing, and update sheets

When I create drawing I use rep. that exclude wanted parts in my place *flat parts I use rule options.

I'm 99% that is bug in PRO/E and I hope thatit'll be solved soon!!

Edited by: gt rider

