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Simplified Reps and Instances


New member
I've been using Pro/E for many years, but I haven't used Simplified Reps very often. Our assemblies have never been terribly complicated, so it never seemed worthwhile.

Well, they're starting to get more complicated, and I want to use some Reps now. But I am having problems from the get-go. The vast majority of our parts come in various sizes, so almost everything has a Family Table: Parts have Family Tables made up of various sizes, and Assemblies have Family Tables thatcall out the various Part instances.

I have been having some major trouble getting Simplified Reps to work with all of these instances. Simplified Reps seem to work fine when using Generics, but not when using Instances. The Reps keep reverting back to the Generics of various components, even though that's not what I have specified. I can describe a specific case, but I'm afraid that will take a long time and I'd rather ask the question in general terms first.

Is this something that is widely known about Simplified Reps -- that they don't work well with instances? Is this a bug? Have I just created the Reps poorly?

Does anybody know of a useful Help file that describes how to use Simplified Reps with Instances correctly?

Thanks for any help...
I may have figured out something that probably should have been obvious...

Supressing a mounting hole (e.g.) in a Simplified Rep will cause an instance to load incorrectly. If the Rep supresses a feature that is used to assemble two components together, the instance gets confused. The generic continues to work, I guess because it remembers a default placement. But the instance doesn't have a default placement.

I've got some work to do redefining all my Reps, and I'll see if this helps. The assemblies won't be as "simplified" as I wanted them, but hopefully they'll at least work right...
Still nothing here? Nobody has a good Help file for dealing with Simplified Reps and Family Tables?
Instances are individual parts complete by itself along with the features removed dimensional variations etc....

On the other hand Simplified Representations, as the name goes, simplified representations of the same part, with the excluded features still present. With simplified representation, the features are not loaded in memory. However they are very much there.

This is what I understand.... This could be the reason why you cannot have drawings for simplified representation for parts but the same is available for assembly.

