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Simulating mechanism in a lipstick


New member
Hello, I am quite new to ProE and I have trouble applying the right constraints to get this mechanism to work.

Basically this is a simple lipstick case in which the pin from the dish(the thing that lipstick is placed in) is inserted into the vertical slot and the helix slot.

The helix guide is then rotated and the pin in the dish is supposed to follow the helix guide and move up or down.

I tried many things but I couldnt get this thing to work.
An asm file with the correct constraintswould be greatly appreciated since one picture is worth a thousand words especially to a novice like me.

Thank you in advance.
I really appreciate you taking the time to make this especially because you started from scratch to help.

Onequestions I want to clear up if you do not mind.
Does the helical sweep surface work like a datum curve for slot followers?
I've read things about using equationswith datum curves to get that helix curve you made.

It looks like I can just use the same conditions from the helical sweep cut for the surface.
I actually just used the edge of the helical sweep surface instead of creating a curve by equation. This was faster to create and it would make it easier to write relations to make sure that the edge was always in the middle of the helical cut.
Ahh yea I noticed the little surface it created when I put it in shaded view.
I think this is a nice trick to use especially if you have variable pitched helixes.

