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Sketch Ellipse with major angle Inclined

I called PTC support on this before. They were useless. At least for WF2.0 and previous he said that there was no way to draw it at an angle. He gave me a work around that doesn't really work. It kind of does, but not really.

You can approximate an ellipse using 4 splines, but it is only an approximation.

You basically have to set the sketcher up so that you basically rotate the part to an angle where you can draw the ellipse vertically or horizontally.

Other things you can try are:
rotating your monitor to the correct angle
rotating your head to the correct angle
It really drives me crazy every time I use an ellipse. It is more than stupid to have to define your sketch plane so you can draw the ellipse horizontal or vertical. Even Auto Cad will let you draw at an angle.

I mean do the lazy programmers at ptc actually expect you to draw two different features if you want a protrusion with two ellipses at different angles? Just today I had a part with 5 ellipses that were at different angles from each other. Had to define them all seperately with 5 seperate datums.
You can do it using four conic arcs, but you have to set the right value for rho, the following is from Pro/E help.



<h1>To Dimension a Conic Using rho</h1>

  1. <li ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    Click Sketch > Dimension >

Note: You can also
use this command by clicking the Dimension button on the
Sketcher toolbar. Additionally, you can right-click in the
Sketcher window and select Dimension from the shortcut menu.

  1. <li ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    Click the conic with the left button.
    <li ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    Click the middle mouse button to place the
    dimension. The default rho value is 0.5.
    <li ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    You can modify rho to be one of the following

<li ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Subbulleted">
For an ellipse: 0.05 < parameter < 0.5

<li ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Subbulleted">
When you are creating a closed ellipse section
from four conic segments, the only value for rho that gives a true ellipse is
(sqrt (2)

