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Sketch failing


New member
I sometimes have a sketch fail and it wants me to delete something but doesn't show me what. Is there any way to have it show me what it doesn't like? I sometimes delete the entire sketch and start over. So if any one has ideas I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter.

Thanks, edg
I design dies and will referance the part for trim streels, pierce holes, etc. I will sketch a curve or a few curves the make a cut using the curves. I will end up in resolve mode for something else then the sketch fails. It wants me to delete something. I end up deleting the whole sketch and starting over or somethimes it will not recover at all and I have to delete the cut. I redo it and every things fine. It makes no sence.

Thanks for you help,

It sounds like you are setting yourself up to create circular references. Do you have any circular reference files (.crc?) in your directory?

Another thing to remember is the rules of sketcher, you can only have 1 open loop curve in a sketch, but as many closed looped curves as you want. Make sure where your entities meet that there isnt a little tail hanging off at the intersection. May want to trim at intersection of 2 entities
No they are closed sketches. I just checked on here because I just had one fail. I go thru and delete one item at a time and reg over and over until nothings left. I sketch a line or use edge and regen and it wants me to delete it. Its as if the sketch its self is corrupt or something. I'm in 3.0 if that helps.

Thanks, edg
Is this a complex sketch? Sometimes big or complex sketch make the software unstable and must of the time they crash. Or try to use less dim. and more contrains like //,=,align,perp.,etc.
Perhaps there is a tiny edge in your sketch? When you are zoomed out, Pro will not be able to regen the sketch, but when zoomed around the small entity, Pro will regenerate properly. Sometimes just zoomed in will solve your issue. Zoom a window around what you think is a smaller entity and try to to regen the sketch. This used to be a problem in earlier revs of pro. Pre-Wildfire and 2001. You did not say what version you are working on. Another option may be "Sketch>Options>Accuracy and change the accuracy of your sketching session. Changing the accuracy of sketcher only applies to the current section you are sketching and will revert back to default the next time you edit the section.
Perhaps you have duplicate entities on top of one another. Choose to delete one entity at a time. CTRL-Z to get the deleted entity back if there is no entitiy underneath the one you just deleted.
Lastly some already said you may have intersecting entities in the section. Is their a tangency condition missing and an arc not connected?
Make sure your constraints are what you want and strong.
Lastly, sometimes zooming in can find the culprit entity when being in default zoom will not.

Edited by: donha

These are all valid answers because it can be a multitude of things causing the problem. Pro will give you some kind of a hint in themessage area of the dashboard as to where you should begin to look. Example- "Section must be closed for this feature" . This one of course means you have an extra segmant of a line somewhere. Pro will also "usually" show where the problem is by highlightingit in red. You may have to zoom in to see it if it is small. UNFORTUNATELY...sometimes Pro really sucks and gives little or no useful clues as to where to look. Thats when it becomes a challenge to find the problem andmay even mean having to start over. I prefer to work my way thru the sketch trying to find the problem, even deleting portions if it helps. Then Ihope I remember the cause and solution in case I run into the problem again.

