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sketch from file -- getting it to "snap"


New member
I normally am able to get things to snap to anything that is in the list of references. Well, right now I'm trying to import the sketch shown below and I can't get it to snap to anything. In the picture it looks like the center of the circle shown below is snapped to the intersection of planes but that's just because it's zoomed out.

I need the center of the circle to be located on the intersection of the 3 planes. I'm drawing on one plane and the other two are listed as references. what am I doing wrong?

View attachment 3582
Can you align it first to the vertical reference, and then align it to the horizontal reference? First move it diagonally away slightly by dragging it, so you can see it snap to the references.

maybe you know but in any case - you can schange the place for snap by moving the cursor over the snap point - click PPM a moving it to another point in inserted profile then LPM and place the snap on required entity

so if you can not place the center of circle, try to place arc on the up or bottom of this sketch

hope this helps
No, when I first bring the sketch in the step where you enter scale and drag it around for placement, it will not snap to anything.

When I have it placed, I do not know how to apply constraints to the inner (construction) circle in order for it to move, without all the other pieces of sketch staying in their original place and only the circle moving.
2ms1 to your last thread - that is not a way of moving objects in sketcher

if You want to change location for already constrained sketcher use Move icon in sketcher taskbar, so you will move entities with constraints

View attachment 3592

and then as it is written in my previous thread
muadib3d, I do not know this method you are describing. What are PPM and LPM? Please elaborate what you are describing a little more if you can. Thank you
PPM - sorry this shortcut exist in Polish my fault, it should be RMB(right mouse button)

LPM should be LMB - left mouse button

sorry for that, I think and write to quick

When your sketch comes in, it will have all weak dimensions.

What I do is put in 2center lines (horz & vert)thatalign to some main feature in the sketch. Dimension these center lines to the sketch references (2 planes in the model) Next, dimension everything in the sketch to these centerlines. Keep flexing the dimensions for the center lines to see if the sketchdeforms (sometimes there is still a weak dimension or constraint hiding somewhere). When everything is constrained and dimensioned you can delete the dimensions for the center lines (they will turn gray). Now you can align the center lines to the sketch references.

There are probably a million ways to achieve this, but I have had reasonable success with this. The taskis easierif the sketches are keptsimple.


Hasn't there got to be an easier way??

It doesn't make sense for there not to be the ability to snap the sketch from file. Without that ability all kinds of otherwise unnecessary constraints and dimensions need to be created and that doesn't make sense to me.

muadlib3d, I think you are thinking of different meaning for the word "snap". I am talking about when do start drawing a line, for example, the cursor tends to "snap" to other features in sketch, like axis, endpoints, etc. Do you know what I mean?
you mean an enhancement of Pro/E?

Don't you think there has already got to be a way of getting sketches from files to snap? There's got to be an option or something somewhere.
May I suggest to add axis lines b4 u save ur sketch, constrain everything you can symmetricallyand b4 you bring it in to the new sketch add axis lines as well.

Hope it work for you as well it does to me.
I don't have any problem with sketches from file snapping to references within the model.

Have you specified references prior to bringing in the sketch?

If the part of the sketch that you want to snap to does not have the cross w/ circle (as depicted by muadib3d), then you can move this cross w/ circle to where you want by doing the rmb move as described above. (you are using the cross w/ cirlce to grab and move your sketch, aren't you?)

Thanks for the move snap point tip. Is this possible in WF2 or only WF3. I have yet to try your method but have always prefered switching to old sketch mode Sec Tools menu which lets you pick a point to scale from and to use as your placement point.

Works like a charm however Pro/E destroyed this functionality when moving to the new sketcher.PTC probably believes that theworld is perfectly symmetric however that's not the way things really are.

I have seen with copy move in sketch that if you select a constraint or dimension when copying sketch entities, and not just the geometry the constraints move with them.

hello Micheal

well I work with WF 2.0. Usually I had no problems with placing objects in sketcher or moving the entities inside the sketch. In fact I avoid situation when it is needed to put big - complicated objects into sketcher. I can bet the coplecity rising than higher level, so I always try to devide it itno smaller objects or make sketch from beggining.

So finally it would be nice to have a control while inserting object on dimension - to choose which one has to be strong, which one weak. By this time all of them are placed with object as weak.

