I am curious. Do you:
1. Create sketches first, and then extrude them?
2. Start extrude features, then set up the sketching plane etc. and create the sketch, then finish with the extrude depth details?
The first case leaves a sketch in the model tree that is above a feature, as well as a sketch that is embedded within the feature. The second method simply embeds the sketch into the feature.
The second method is the primary way I was taught back on Version 20, and the way I always did it while I was using 2000i. It seems to be the way it was originally intended to work.
The sketch first method seems to be among the more modern "let
1. Create sketches first, and then extrude them?
2. Start extrude features, then set up the sketching plane etc. and create the sketch, then finish with the extrude depth details?
The first case leaves a sketch in the model tree that is above a feature, as well as a sketch that is embedded within the feature. The second method simply embeds the sketch into the feature.
The second method is the primary way I was taught back on Version 20, and the way I always did it while I was using 2000i. It seems to be the way it was originally intended to work.
The sketch first method seems to be among the more modern "let