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Sketch visibility problem


New member
Hi, I new to the forums and new to ProE. I have experience with Inventor and SW, and when modeling certain types of features I've made a habit using the practice of creating sketches to help setup construction geometry that don't get consumed in any features.In the past I would just hide these sketches and go on my merry old way, but in proe they keep turnign their visibility back on all by themselves, every time I open the parts, and they show on the drawings. How can I permanently hide these sketches w/o havign to remodel my parts? There is not time or money in this project to warrant doing all that work. Right now every time I want to print a drawing I have to go into the part and hide these sketches.

Thank you!


Edited by: barnam

Put your scetches on a layer>hide layer>save layer status>save model

Edited by: sip
barnam, above your layer tree you will see two tabs, show & settings. Click on the Show tab and select Layer Tree, within this layer tree you will see " PRT_All_Curves", Hide that layer and then right click anywhere on the layer tree window, you should get a menu which contains " Save Status ".

Next time you open they should remain hidden.


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